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Casanel Vineyards & Winery

Region: Northern Virginia

Nelson and Kathleen DeSouza opened Casanel Vineyards on October 18, 2008. Located amongst 32 acres in rural Leesburg, VA Casanel Vineyards. We have two tasting rooms; one is our two floor mid 1800s stone tasting room (formerly a cow barn), and our state of the art winery has a new tasting room on its upper level called the Dawson Room. Come enjoy the peace and tranquility of our winery!

Tasting fee varies, please contact us for details. Reservations required for groups larger than 8 and all limos and buses regardless of size.

Our last call for wine and tastings is a half hour before closing. Please check website for early closings due to private events!


17952 Canby Road
Leesburg, Virginia 20175
Get Directions

Seasonal Hours*

Mon Closed
Tues Closed
Wed Closed
Thurs Closed
Fri 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Sat 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Sun 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
* Please check website for early closings for private events. This year we are closed for New Years Day, Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas. We also have a winter break for three weeks the Monday before Christmas and we reopen the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr Day.

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Purchase Wine

Tasting Fee

$20 per person, flights range from $16-$20

Reserve Tasting Fee

Call/email/website for details

Tour Fee

$18 per person deposit for large groups over 8


Food Available: Light Fare
Group Tours
Picnic Area
Private Parties
Tasting Room
Wine Shop