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Daring Wine & Cider Company

Region: Blue Ridge

Daring Wine Company is truly a personal project for long-time friends Jocelyn Kuzelka and Megan Hereford. Jocelyn and Megan’s careers in the wine industry converged at a small Italian inspired winery in southwestern Virginia (SWVA). It seems only fitting that nearly 20 years later they are launching their brand with grapes grown and vinified in SWVA. Their vision in 2021 grew from grapes without a home, a winery with space available, and meraki- a Greek word for doing something with soul, creativity, or love; to leave a piece of yourself in your work. This work is about what you do when you want to share yourself with those you love.

Jocelyn and Megan are part of a new generation of winemakers and wine brands who see an opportunity to continue to transform the typical archetype of a male owned and operated wine business. They are standing on shoulders of women who blazed a trail in the Virginia wine and cider industries and, with the launch of Daring Wine Company, Jocelyn and Megan are continuing to shape their own future in this industry.


621 Kelly Mill Rd
Stuart, VA 24171
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Seasonal Hours

Mon Closed
Tues Closed
Wed Closed
Thurs Closed
Fri Closed
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

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