ODO, Count of Champagne and Aumale, lived from circa 1030 - 1115. He accompanied his brother William the Conqueror during the Norman Conquest of England. He was briefly imprisoned by William II in 1095 after a rebellion that sought to place Odo's son Stephen on the throne of England. Odo outlived his wife Adeliza, but together they had three children; Stephen, Judith, Lens, and Adeliza II. Modern historians believe Odo to be the primogenitor of the Grace (Le Gras) family.
ODO is a blend of Petit Verdot (40%) and Tannat (60%) imagined as a wine of great depth and long aging potential. The balance of all aspects of this wine are complex and round; Acidity and fruitiness balanced against the weight of extracted fruit and tannic heft. Both varietals were put through a careful regime of fermentation and extraction.