There’s no other place like this -- the Washington DC Area's Only "Urban Winery" where we explore winemaking together and wine appreciation. Our Teaching & Tasting Bar overlooks the entire wine production area -- you can sample great wines while you watch every step in the winemaking process.
And for those ready to learn even more, our Vintner program provides the opportunity for individuals and small groups to work side-by-side with us as they craft their own wine. It’s "your" wine with the best Virginia, California or Washington State fruit; your design, your label and, of course your story and passion.
Vint Hill Craft Winery is located in the historic barns at Vint Hill Farm Station, in the building where in 1944 our military intercepted the German encryption codes that started the end of World War II. Great wine, lots to see and learn and deep in history!
Seasonal Hours
Tasting Fee
Tour Fee
no charge