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Virginia 1, California 0

Michael Broadbent - Decanter Magazine Jul 31, 2009

The August 2009 issue of Decanter, the leading U.K. consumer wine magazine, has just been delivered. Columnist Michael Broadbent, author of the great Vintage Wine Book with his tasting notes dating back 50 years, wrote his monthly column with the controversial title “State’s Evidence: Virginia 1, California 0″.

“State’s Evidence: Virginia 1, California 0″ says Decanter’s Broadbent

Richard Leahy - Jul 15, 2009

The August 2009 issue of Decanter, the leading U.K. consumer wine magazine, has just been delivered. Columnist Michael Broadbent, author of the great Vintage Wine Book with his tasting notes dating back 50 years, wrote his monthly column with the controversial title “State’s Evidence: Virginia 1, California 0″

Virginia Makes Wines Yes, and London Likes Them

Mary Jordon - "Washington Post Foreign Service " May 26, 2009

True, Virginia wines barely existed in the 1980s, but today the state has more than 150 wineries.

VA Wineries win 12 Decanter World Wine Awards 2009

- Decanter Magazine May 14, 2009

VA Wineries win 12 Decanter World Wine Awards 2009

Sauvignon Blancs American Makeover

- Washington Post May 12, 2009

VA wineries receive praise for Sauvignon Blancs

Virginia vino gets the documentary treatment

- C-Ville Weekly May 09, 2009

Virginias burgeoning wine industry is going to be immortalized on film

Virginia'a Surprising Wine Country

- CNN Apr 05, 2009

Virginia Wine Country featured on CNN

A Grape Virginia Vintners Can Love

- Washington Post Mar 31, 2009

Dave McIntyre's review of Virginia Viogniers

Bon Appétit Magazine Features Foggy Ridge Cider & Kluge Estate

- " Bon Appétit " Mar 31, 2009

The May 2009 issue of Bon Apptit names Foggy Ridge's Hard Cider and Kluge Estate's Blanc de Blanc What to Buy in Virgi

Virginia Wine Country - 280 miles round-trip from D.C

- Travel + Leisure Mar 31, 2009

Country lanes wind through villages of trim clapboard structures and around pastures framed by white fences. Recently, progressi

Keswick prize-winner carries hints of violet, blueberry, even cedar

- Richmond Times Dispatch Mar 03, 2009

Special it was, as it was named the Governor's Cup winner from among 250 wines that entered the 2009 contest.

Comparing Notes: Wine-Tasting Party

- Martha Stewart Living Magazine Feb 28, 2009

Virginia wine featured in Martha Stewart Living

VINES & WINES: Homegrown and proud of it

- Richmond Times Dispatch Feb 24, 2009

If you're a wine fancier, experienced or otherwise, the Greater Richmond Convention Center will be the place to be this weekend

Regional Wine at Obama Inauguration

- "Dave McIntyre's WineLine" Jan 11, 2009

Virginia's premier winery, will have two wines featured at the Inaugural Conservation Gala in Washington on January 19.