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Virginia Wine Board

About the Virginia Wine Board

Created by the Virginia General Assembly in 1984 as part of Virginia's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Virginia Wine Board promotes the interests of vineyards and wineries in the Commonwealth through research, education and marketing. 

The Virginia Wine Board funds research, education, and marketing initiatives that further the Virginia Wine industry. Learn more about VWB grants here, including prior awards and associated reports

The next in-person Virginia Wine Board meeting will be Tuesday 3/18 and Wednesday 3/19 in Charlottesville. See below for meeting details. 

Tuesday, 3/18
  • Start time: 9:00 AM
  • Location: Virginia Department of Forestry Headquarters, 900 Natural Resources Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Wednesday, 3/19
  • Start time: 9:30 AM
  • Location: Graduate by Hilton, Charlottesville, 1309 W Main St, Charlottesville, VA 22903 

Board of Directors

Megan M. Seibel, PhD, Chair
15 Peaks

George Hodson, Vice Chair
Veritas Winery
Flying Fox Winery

Kerem Baki
Hillsborough Winery, Brewery and Vineyard

Stephen Barnard
Delfosse Vineyards [Mountain and Vine]

James King
King Family Vineyards

Luca Paschina

Barboursville Vineyards

Aubrey Rose
Rosemont Vineyards

Anne Shelton
Albemarle CiderWorks
Joseph Guthrie
VDACS Commissioner

The Board fulfills the following duties.
  • Receives funding from the Virginia Wine Promotion Fund and dispenses it for wine-related projects and initiatives.
  • Contracts research to improve viticultural and enological practices in the Virginia wine industry.
  • Promotes education about and appreciation for Virginia wines.
  • Promotes the growing of wine grapes and wine production throughout the Commonwealth.
  • Disseminates information on wine and viticultural topics.
  • Contracts marketing, advertising and other programs that promote the growth of the state's wine industry and the enjoyment of Virginia wines.
  • Collaborates with state, regional, national, and international organizations on their work related to Virginia's wine industry.
The Board consists of 10 members, nine of whom have voting privileges, all appointed by Virginia's governor for four-year terms. Three of the Board members are growers and six of which represent wineries. Approximately two-thirds of the Board's budget goes towards education and marketing, with the remaining third spent on wine-related research.

The Virginia Wine Board Program Manager and Technical Committee FOIA Officer is Lindsey Anderson. To contact, please email

To Learn More

To learn more about the Virginia Wine Board, contact the Virginia Wine Board Marketing Office at 804-344-8200 or